Chaos Armour This suit has been built to make the wearer appear broader and bigger. The creature doesn´t fit through normal doors and needs 2,50 meters to stand upright. For the Warhammer- look the shoulders should appear as broad and the head as small as possible. See above the picture of the armour on its stand: the difference between belt and shoulders. And the belt even has paddings inside to make it look broader. So little “human” fits into the armour. On the other hand the whole ensemble should still look “naturally”.
Construction principle: The armour is multy- layered (opposite to the heavy egyptian armour), which means the outer skin is not in contact with the wearer but “surrounds” the puppeteer. On a taylormade chassis is a multilevel volume- generating buildup. On this is the outer skin. The wearer can move fast and unhindered because he is not hampered by cumbersome parts in his movement areas (see what I mean at “harness).
By and large, the following agenda was taken into consideration: Optimized sight and flexibility, minimized contact with the wearer to facilitate air circulation, abrasive areas (where parts overlap) are on the inside, no spikes in impact zones, real protection against foam weapons (when something looks like a tank, some players tend to overlook the fact that there´s a friendly, harmless guy -namely me- inside and hit it harder than necessary instead of appropriately running away), water outlets (it might rain.... sometimes heavily.... and water that gets in must get out again). The suit can be put on all by myself in relatively short time and for maintenance purposes every part of every assembly group can be reached. One of the things he´s not allowed to is lie down. I also tend to stand a little apart from groups because being constantly jostled is not good either- when shoving guys with steel armour the foam looses. That´s also the reason why I don´t like to fight as part of a shield wall- so InTime the warrior considers this beneath his dignity and stalks the battlefield as part of loose, mobile formations in search of worthier opponents. But these are the only restrictions - the armour wasn´t built for show but to be an adversary to be reckoned with. Win or loose, meanwhile it has seen years of action and fun (and maintenance).
The documentation consists of more than a hundred pictures- but the website´s subtitle “special interest” calls for a comprehensive documentation. I´ve decided against galleries and split the content into the seperate pages “helmets and masks”, “harness”, “belt”, “arms”, “legs” and “fibreglass- feet”. All pictures can be zoomed with rightclick context-menue.
The building proceeded in three main phases: First harness, arms, belt and simple mask, then legs and helmet, then new colour scheme and new helmet. And then time and again odds and ends...
On Youtube 2 variants of the armour can be seen in motion:
This seems a good place for the links to the dokumentations of the armour´s parts (click picture or underlined text):