To close the gauntlet I first dressed the protectors, then fixed the fur around the arms with pins and marked the seam with a pencil. Then I sewed the fur together inside out and - after testing the fit- cut off the surplus fur.
Many would stop now what I consider a mistake. Left picture, lower row: Preliminary trimming of the fur. I used ligature scissors for it- normal ones would have made my fingers falling off but with this tool it all went smoothly.
I shortend the hairs between and on top of the fingers. Later I will probably also shorten the fur on the back of the hand but this can be done only with the upper body completed.
At this point I again thought of stopping, but for the like of the look I decided to proceed and also put fur onto the palm of the hand. The long fur has the disadvantage that white threads are woven into the carrier cloth which are visible when the fur is cut too short; which I did at the edges. Also during the test- phase (yes; cappucino- making) i noticed that when grasping things I mostly use the padded areas.
So I took short black plush- fur that is mounted on black cloth this time and glued it onto the palms around the pads. The plush has made the paws a little stiffer but now they look much more realistic.