Above left: Jaws for a badger. Teeth, maw and snout are made of different sorts of foam, tongue is painted leather. Teeth still have to be painted at this stage (work from the inside out). Lips and nose are artificial leather.
Above right: Claws made out of gloves. Here is Annikaīs original text: Itīs really easy: cut off the fingers of the gloves but leave the first joint (phalanx). Then cut leather patterns in the form of an ice-cream cone and sew the “claws” with rounded sides. The leatherīs rough side should make the outer surface. Glue the claws onto the glovesī fingers and cover the outer surface with 3-5 layers of Pattex. Then paint the claws and glue on the fur. The claws are quite rigid but the fingers can still be employed.
Below: A werewolf. This is an NPC- monster that contrary to charcters has to be built as time-effectively as possible. Notice the false, illuminated eyes. The real eyes of the puppeteer are concealed in the inner corners of the maskīs eyes.